Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sick and Tired of Being Sick

Sydney is on her fifth day of being very sick. Today she was shivering uncontrollably for 10 minutes or more and then broke out sweating from the fever. She has been fighting fever off and on, and now Axle and Atticus have the bug, too. Axle has a croupy cough and Atticus complains that his forehead hurts. My poor kids. We're hoping Colin will resist it since he had the flu a few months ago. I have been lucky to stay healthy most every time my family gets sick. Maybe the Lord realizes that I have to take care of everyone else! Looks like everyone gets out of fasting and going to church tomorrow. I doubt I'll hear any complaints about that, though! Except from Atticus, who loves his class and his teacher. Axle likes to "play toys" too.


  1. Sounds a lot like what my kid have. I took my kids to the pediatrician and he said it is the H1N1 or Swine Flu. FUN! We've been "quarantined" for at least 7 days :(

  2. Oh, poor Sydney...and poor Gretel! Looks like a nasty bug, whatever it is. The Swine Flu is HUGE here in Texas. It is almost a guarantee you'll get it. So far, I have escaped, but Ben and Jaimason are just getting over it. Yuk! Tell her to feel better.


  3. I hope you guys are feeling better! It's no fun to be in a sick house!

    Jill Mitchell
