Sunday, September 26, 2010


In June, we got to take a trip to Moab. We left Axle and Atticus with my parents and met Frank's mom in Moab. The five of us rented a yellow jeep and took to the trails. We did a trail called Hell's Revenge. It was very scenic and fairly scary in spots. However, my expert driver husband knew the trail and never put us in any danger. (His mom might argue otherwise!) By the end of the trail we were all sweaty and ready for lunch in the shade. After that we wanted a less intense, cooler trail and so headed for Cane Creek. The funny thing is that of the six hours we were driving that trail we only saw water for about thirty minutes. It was hot! We went over some boulders that I know were not meant to be driven over! The trail had so few markers that for several of the hours we thought we were lost. On one particular spot the jeep tipped so far to the side that Sydney let out a high-pitched squeal that made us all start laughing.
The little water that we saw of Cane Creek
On Hell's Revenge

Frank or "Driver" as his Mama calls him

Toward the end of the Cane Creek Trail. Perhaps the scariest thing we've ever done lies beyond this rise. The trail was narrow with many boulders, with a steep cliff on the right and a sheer drop on the left. We all got out and walked while Frank navigated the dangerous stretch. Nobody warned us of the intensity of this trail! Frank's mom got a t-shirt printed to say "I survived Cane Creek!"

Who's the Man?

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